Crystal Audio

Crystal Audio

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Search FAQ

  • How should my listening room ideally be?

    • Does the size and shape of my room affect the set up of my surround sound system?

      There is a direct correlation between your room’s size, shape and loudspeaker placement.

      There is a direct correlation between your room's size and shape and the placement of your speakers. In a "long" room set-up, with the seating located in the middle of the room, it is best to mount the surround speakers on sidewalls parallel to the main seating position. If they were mounted on the rear wall in this room configuration there may be a pronounced "hole" in the sound stage, with sounds "jumping" from front to rear rather than there being a smooth transition. In a "short" room set-up with seating on the rear wall you might get away with speakers being mounted on the rear wall. Furthermore, depending on the distance of the side walls from the listener, you might prefer to use floorstanding speakers as surrounds instead of dipoles.

    • What are the steps for the correct selection of speakers that match your space?

      Decide which stereo or multichannel system you like best and run our RAD on-line application.

    • What are the standing waves or room modes?

      When a wave hits a solid boundary (e.g a wall) it gets reflected, causing a so called “standing wave

    • What are the ideal room dimensions for best speaker performance?

      You must work with the room available to you.

    • What rules to follow for a home theater room construction?

      Room shape, reflections, reverberation time and isolation, are key elements you must consider.

    • What are the realistic Sound Levels that you need in your Space?

      They range up to 194dB SPL! Check the following table.

    • Which combination of Amplifier/Speaker/Room give the dB that you require?

      According the table below.

    • What is Room Equalization?

      An audio correction algorithm to counteract the effects of room resonances and standing waves.

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